Volodymyr Zelensky Time Person Of The Year | The Shivalik
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Volodymyr Zelensky Time Person of the Year

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has been chosen as Person of the Year 2022 by Time magazine. Along with Zelensky, the magazine has also placed Spirit of Ukraine in the same category. The magazine said about Zelensky – the President of Ukraine never lost courage in front of great power. Zelensky became the face of Ukraine’s protests against Russia’s invasion. There is no fear of the enemy in his mind. Zelensky also united the world against Russia’s actions. Such a powerful leader has been seen for the first time in many years.

Iran’s anti-hijab campaigner, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Elon Musk, and the US Supreme Court are among the finalists in the race for Person of the Year. Women doing the anti-hijab movement in Iran have been declared Hero of the Year. Around 300 people have died so far in the movement that started on 16 September.

Article on Zelensky

has also been published by the magazine as a special article on the President of Ukraine. It tells how many difficulties they face every day after the war started on 24 February. In this, a security officer of Zelensky has been quoted as saying that he is always ready to travel. It is also not decided where his destination will be.

Since the start of the war in February, Russia has so far only been able to capture Kherson. Now the army of Ukraine has liberated this province’s capital as well. Zelensky is going to visit the city of Kherson very soon.