Government Has Decided The Formula For Free LPG | The Shivalik
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Government has decided the formula for free LPG

The formula for giving three gas cylinders to Antyodaya families in a year has been decided. The person coming under the purview of this scheme will have to first buy a gas cylinder himself. Oil companies will give money through DBT.

The formula for giving three gas cylinders to Antyodaya families in a year has been decided. The person coming under the purview of this scheme will have to first buy a gas cylinder himself. After this, the oil companies will deposit an amount equal to the value of the gas cylinder in the bank account of the consumer through DBT.

The Uttarakhand government will pay a lump sum amount of the cost of cylinders to the oil companies supplying gas. The Finance Department approved the proposal of the Food Department. Finance department sources confirmed this. He said that its file has been sent to the Food Department.

According to the announcement made during the assembly elections, the government is going to start the scheme of giving free gas cylinders from the month of July.1.76 lakh families of the state are under the purview of this scheme. Although earlier this number was 1.84 lakh, but 7697 Antyodaya families have surrendered their ration cards under the ineligible no, eligible ko yes campaign.

In this, the screw was getting stuck in the Ujjwala gas scheme and recovery of subsidy applicable on common domestic gas cylinders. which has now been removed. Food Secretary Sachin Kurve informed that at present 56 thousand families out of 1.84 lakh Antyodaya families have domestic gas connection under Ujjwala gas scheme.

Recently, the central government has decided to give a subsidy of Rs 200 per cylinder under the Ujjwala gas scheme. The rest more than 1.25 lakh families get a subsidy of about Rs 16 per cylinder at the normal rate. Each beneficiary will be given the price of gas by reducing his subsidy.