Uttarakhand Voting 2024: Only 56 Percent Of Voting In Uttarakhand | The Shivalik
National Politics

Uttarakhand Voting 2024: Only 56 percent of voting in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Lok Sabha Election 2024 Voting:  Only 56 percent of voters exercised their franchise in the Lok Sabha elections. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, 58.01 percent of votes were cast on all five seats.

The trends of voting percentage in the five Lok Sabha seats of Uttarakhand have caused tension among the political parties and candidates. Despite all the efforts of publicity and awareness, the voters of Uttarakhand did not come out of their homes in large numbers.

The result is that only 56% of the voters exercised their franchise in the Lok Sabha elections. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, 58.01 percent of votes were cast on all five seats. The target of 75 percent remained far away.

The target of 75% could not be achieved

The Election Commission had set a target of 75 percent voting in Uttarakhand this time. In 2019, 61.88 percent voting took place, but this time the target of 60 percent voting could not be achieved in all the five seats.

Voting increased till 11 o’clock and then started falling

When voting began at 7 am amid pleasant weather, political parties, candidates and the Election Commission team were excited to see the crowd of voters gathering at the polling stations, but this excitement evaporated after 11 am. The voting figures that came at 3 and 5 pm have also increased the anxiety of the candidates.

This time the voting percentage and time were like this

Voting till 9:00 PM

  • Overall average- 10.54
  • Nainital- 10.23
  • Haridwar- 12.49
  • Almora – 10.13
  • Tehri- 10.23
  • Garhwal – 9.46
  • 2019 average 10.9

Voting till 11:00 am

  • Overall average- 24.83
  • Nainital – 26.46
  • Haridwar – 26.47
  • Almora – 22.21
  • Tehri- 23.23
  • Garhwal -23.43
  • 2019 average 23.59

Voting till 1:00 PM

  • State’s overall average is 37.33
  • Nainital – 40.56
  • Haridwar- 39.41
  • Almora – 32.60
  • Tehri- 35.29
  • Garhwal – 36.60
  • Average for 2019: 36

Voting till 3:00 PM

  • State overall average-45.62
  • Nainital- 49.94
  • Haridwar – 49.62
  • Almora – 38.43
  • Tehri – 44.95
  • Garhwal -42.12
  • Average of year 2019- 48.42

Voting till 5:00 PM

  • State overall average 53.56
  • Nainital- 59.36
  • Haridwar – 59.01
  • Almora – 44.53
  • Garhwal – 48.79
  • Tehri – 51.01
  • 2019 average 58.01

Voting percentage till 5 pm in 2019

  • Overall average- 58.01
  • Nainital- 65.96
  • Haridwar – 67.66
  • Almora – 49.98
  • Tehri- 57.78
  • Garhwal – 54.24