MS Dhoni In Uttarakhand | The Shivalik

MS Dhoni in Uttarakhand

MS Dhoni in Uttarakhand Former Indian cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has finally reached his father’s house. After a long time, Dhoni reached Almora and met his loved ones. Dhoni is also accompanied by his wife and daughter. Mahi is now staying in the cottage with her family and spending time in the beauty of the mountains.

Jagran correspondent, Almora. Mountain water and mountain youth are of little use here. This example was also seen in Dhoni’s native village. Due to lack of facilities, the youth of the village migrated and the canal here also dried up, but Mahi still remembers the canal that was running full of water 20 years ago.

On reaching the village, former captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s old memories were refreshed. Former captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who came from a family that earns his living through farming, found the irrigation canal in the village dry. He asked the villagers that there was no water in it. When Dhoni came to the village two decades ago, the canal used to be filled with water. Along with Lwali, four villages namely Basgaon, Mirai, and Bhabu used to benefit from the canal, but now this canal has been lying dry for the last six years.

There is no means of livelihood in the village

According to the villagers, there is no means of livelihood in the village. Most of the people have migrated, while those who remain are solely dependent on farming. In such a situation, the problem has increased due to the canal drying up. Farming is also affected.

Dhoni, Sakshi, and Ziva stayed in the cottage

Former Indian cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who was on a tour to Kumaon, is resting in the quiet valleys of the mountain. Mahi, who is staying in a cottage in Natadol village of Shahrfatak area on Almora-Devidhura road, is enjoying the mountains by visiting the garden and forest as well as worshiping in the temple. Mahi along with his wife Sakshi and daughter reached Nainital on Tuesday and his native village Lwali (Jainti) on Wednesday. After returning from Lwali on Wednesday, he came to the cottage in Natadol village under Lamgada block.

Dhoni roamed in the forests

On Thursday morning he saw the Himalayan peaks amidst lukewarm sunlight. Rested for the whole day in a secluded cottage surrounded by orchards of apples, pears, plums, and apricots and in the afternoon left for the temple of Lord Shiva situated in the middle of the village. After worshiping here, we also roamed in the forest.