Afghanistan Crisis: Taliban Send 'hundreds Of Fighters' To Crush Resistance Stronghold In Panjshir Valley | The Shivalik
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Afghanistan Crisis: Taliban send ‘hundreds of fighters’ to crush resistance stronghold in Panjshir Valley

Kabul: The Taliban has said that many its fighters are setting out toward the Panjshir Valley, which is at present the center of the opposition in Afghanistan.

Many “mujahideen” are going towards the territory of Panjshir to assume take responsibility for the region from where the opposition is being held, Sputnik revealed refering to a news office.

After the fall of the Ashraf Ghani government, Panjshir stays the point of the opposition show by Ahmad Massoud and Amrullah Saleh, the first vice president from Ghani’s cabinate.

As indicated by the Russian news organization, individuals from the Taliban are trusting that a request will assault the holdout Panjshir region upper east of the Afghan capital of Kabul.

Prior on Sunday, the Taliban offered Ahmad Massoud, the head of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, to give up.

Source News By: Zeenews.