Because Hamas is not a standalone terrorist organization. It’s the Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement.” It has the same agenda or ideology as with 60 plus other CIA / UNO designated, all taking their ideological & theological bearings from one Book. Every believer has a terrorist inside lying dormant which can trigger anytime under the right conditions. ISIS, TLP, Al-Qaida, Taliban, Al Shabab, Boko Haram … they speak different languages, operate in different territories, and can have infighting as well, but they all follow the same scripture and faith which is universally legally protected under tenets of religious freedom.
You may even kill each and every operative of Hamas in Gaza but still, they will continue to exist as a shape-shifting ghost.
Unless you kill the mother of the evil, it will keep procreating. The Mother is the Book on which all this violence is based.
The core problem of Muslims lies in their minds. Islamic faith is a mental disease. It’s their faith in a perfect religion, an infallible Book, the eternal messenger, and their righteous and the only Allah. As long as the Aasmani Kitab of Muslims exist in their homes, schools, polity, and mosques, there will never be peace in this world.
Be that 2 nations or one nation, there is no solution to this Israel-Jew conflict till this Book stays as a living document. Until it’s relegated as a historical archive, there always be leaders in this cult who benefit financially and politically by propagating and inflating the agenda of that Book which they don’t understand was created over centuries after Muhammad’s demise, with a political purpose which it did fulfill in its initial 5/6 centuries. World Peace and the straitjacket of Islamic polity can’t coexist.
The situation is dire but not hopeless. The Western values as we know them are at stake. If today the world does not wake up the monster will engulf it all. Human Rights are for humans; not evil incarnate in the garb of humans. The world has to differentiate between religion and a racist, fascist, supremacist cult. The cult has to be deprived of international freedom of expression accorded under the definition of a religion. Those countries whose constitution, curriculum, and polity are theocratic(based upon the sovereignty of Allah), like Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, should be internationally sanctioned. Unless the world is not United in it, the existence of Western civilization is at stake.
Chinese solution is the only viable solution. Treat Islam as a mental disease and re-educate as they are doing with Uyghurs.
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