Uniform Civil Code: Population Is Changing Rapidly In Uttarakhand | The Shivalik

Uniform Civil Code: Population is changing rapidly in Uttarakhand

Civil Uniform Code Population control was not considered among the points on which the expert committee formed under the chairmanship of Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai was responsible for preparing the draft of the Uniform Civil Code.

However, the mention of population control in the report is limited as a reference to the general introduction of Uttarakhand.
Ravindra Badthwal, Jagran, Dehradun. Uniform Civil Code: The issue of population control may have been kept out of the scope of the Uniform Civil Code made for Uttarakhand, but the expert committee that prepared the draft of the code has targeted the migration from the mountainous areas of the state and the demographic changes in the plains in its report.

Although this mention in the report is limited as a reference to the general introduction of Uttarakhand, this indication is being seen as giving strength to the voices raised regarding population control and new land laws in the future.

Population control was not included in the points on which the expert committee constituted under the chairmanship of Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai was given the responsibility to work on the draft of the Uniform Civil Code. For this reason, the committee also did not consider this point in the draft prepared for making the Uniform Civil Code a law.

It is also worth noting that the topics that were centralized in the discussion on the need for a Uniform Civil Code included the rapid demographic change in the region after the formation of the state of Uttarakhand. The expert committee kept a distance from this topic in its draft.

It is a different matter that the Committee has made a special mention of the demographic and rapid changes taking place in Uttarakhand in the general introduction given about Uttarakhand in Chapter 2 of Volume-1 of its report relating to the concepts strengthening the support for the Uniform Civil Code.