There Isn't A Single Neurosurgeon For A Population Of 600,000 In Almora. | The Shivalik

There isn’t a single neurosurgeon for a population of 600,000 in Almora.

 The condition of health facilities in the mountains is pathetic. There is not a single neuro physician in a city like Almora, due to which patients and their attendants have to run to higher centers. Apart from Bageshwar, Champawat, Dwarahat, and Lohaghat, people from rural areas of Almora district also reach Almora hospitals for their treatment. However, due to the unavailability of neurosurgeons and neurophysicians, patients have to go to Haldwani or other cities.

Actually, Almora district has a population of about 6 lakhs and despite such a large population, there is not even a single neurosurgeon or neuro physician here, due to which patients and their attendants have to go to Haldwani or other cities, facing many problems, where they spend a lot of time and money and do not get treatment at the right time.

CMO Almora’s CMO RC Pant, who is waiting for permission,
said that doctors for various diseases are available in Almora, but due to the vacancies of neurosurgeons and neuro-physicians, patients are facing a lot of problems. For this, he has informed the higher officials and has also written letters several times. As soon as approval is received, doctors will be available. Currently, due to the absence of doctors, patients have to go to Haldwani or higher centers. He believes that if the deployment is done as soon as possible, then the patients and the people here will benefit a lot.

The government and administration need to pay attention
Local resident Girish Dhawan said that it is unfortunate for a city like Almora that there is no neurosurgeon and neurophysician here. Due to this the patients and their relatives have to face a lot of difficulties. The government and administration need to pay attention to this serious issue so that the people of Almora as well as the people of rural areas can benefit.