Saved Lives Of 13 From Kedarnath Disaster | The Shivalik

Saved lives of 13 from Kedarnath disaster

Kedarnath disaster struck on 31st July caused massive destruction from Sonprayag to Lincholi on the Kedarnath footpath. The pilgrims staying at various stops on the footpath had to run towards the jungle to save their lives. The youth of Triyuginarayan conducted a search operation in the jungle of Toshi, a remote village in Kedarghati, and succeeded in rescuing more than a dozen pilgrims safely.

Ramesh Chandra Jamloki, Jagran Phata (Rudraprayag). Kedarnath Dham: After the disaster, along with government agencies, local youth also played an important role in safely evacuating the stranded travelers on the Kedarnath foot route.

These include a 15-member team of youth from Triyuginarayan, which was successful in rescuing more than a dozen passengers safely by conducting a search operation in the forest of Toshi, a remote village in Kedar Ghati.

The disaster that struck on July 31 caused huge devastation on the footpath from Sonprayag to Kedarnath to Lincholi. In such a situation, the passengers stopped at various stops on the walking route and had to run towards the forest to save their lives.

On Sunday night, when the villagers of Triyuginarayan received information that some people were trapped in the forest of Chodi Tok towards Toshi village, without any delay 15 youths of the village set out to rescue them without any resources.

These included Ramesh Bhatt, Manvendra Gairola, Vinod Semwal, Nitesh Bhatt, Anoop Gairola, Rajneesh Gairola, Pareshwar Bhatt, Vedprakash Semwal etc. Som river falls on the way, without crossing which it was not possible to proceed further. But, the river was in spate, so despite all efforts, the youth could not cross it.

Despite this, he delivered food to the passengers by throwing packets from this end itself. He also kept encouraging them throughout the night that everyone will be evacuated safely soon, he is with them.

On Monday morning, the SDRF team also reached there. After this, with the help of a rope, everyone crossed the river and the 13 passengers stranded there were rescued safely. Ramesh Bhatt, a resident of Triyuginarayan and a member of the youth team, said that they did not have resources, so they had to wait for the SDRF to rescue the passengers safely.

However, he had delivered food packets to all the passengers and continued to show patience to them from this end of the river. At the same time, after coming out safely, all the passengers expressed gratitude towards SDRF and these youth.