Abhinav Gaur, Founder Of Yuvaan Gurukul Sheds Light On The Issue Of Smart Learning Boards Reducing Teachers' Teaching Skills. | The Shivalik

Abhinav Gaur, founder of Yuvaan Gurukul sheds light on the issue of smart learning boards reducing teachers’ teaching skills.

At a time when technology is increasingly intertwined with education, the rise of smart learning panels and interactive digital whiteboards has revolutionized the traditional classroom. These tools offer a better learning experience, offering dynamic and interactive lessons catering to different learning styles. But as Abhinav Gaur, founder of Yuvaan Gurukul and a renowned educator, aptly points out, this shift toward technological reliance can come at a significant cost: the diminishing teaching skills of educators.

Technological transformation of classes: The integration of smart boards, laptops, and iPads into classrooms around the world has undoubtedly brought about a transformation in the way education is delivered. These tools have made it easier for teachers to present content, interact with students, and create an engaging and visually appealing multimedia-rich environment. As Gaur explains, digital whiteboards have allowed teachers to customize lessons, share materials instantly, and even teach remotely – a far cry from the traditional blackboard and chalk method.

However, this convenience also brings a disadvantage. While these technologies can enhance the learning experience, they also risk creating a dependency that could undermine educators’ basic teaching skills.

The double-edged sword of smart boards: Interactive smart boards have proven to be highly beneficial in many ways. They enable personalized learning, encourage collaboration, and provide instant feedback, all of which contribute to a more engaging and effective learning environment. However, over-reliance on these tools can reduce the need for traditional teaching skills, such as the ability to explain complex concepts without the aid of technology.

Gaur points out that while smart boards are excellent tools for visualizing concepts and engaging students, they can also create a crutch for teachers. The constant availability of ready-made digital resources can discourage educators from developing their teaching materials, leading to a decrease in creativity and innovation in lesson planning. In addition, reliance on technology can sometimes overshadow the importance of direct, personal interaction between teachers and students—an essential element in fostering a supportive and effective learning environment.

Erosion of basic teaching skills: One of the most worrying aspects of this trend, according to Gaur, is the potential erosion of basic teaching skills. Teachers who become too dependent on smart learning panels may find themselves less able to deliver lessons without them. This dependency can lead to a situation where the technology, rather than the teacher, becomes the focus of the classroom. In such scenarios, the teacher’s role is reduced to that of a facilitator rather than an active and engaging educator.

Additionally, Gaur notes, that the initial high cost of these smart boards, along with their maintenance and repair costs, can put a strain on school budgets. This financial burden can lead to schools prioritizing technology over other necessary resources such as teacher training and professional development, further exacerbating the decline in instructional quality.

Finding a balance between technology and traditional teaching: Abhinav Gaur advocates a balanced approach to integrating technology into education. While smart boards and other digital tools offer undeniable benefits, they must be used as a supplement to, not a replacement for, traditional teaching methods. Teachers should be encouraged to develop their skills independently of technology and ensure that they remain effective educators even without digital aids. To achieve this balance, Gaur suggests that schools invest in comprehensive professional development programs that focus on improving teachers’ pedagogical skills along with their ability to use technology effectively. This allows educators to take advantage of smart learning dashboards without sacrificing the core features that define great teaching.

Conclusion: The rise of smart learning panels presents both opportunities and challenges for educators. While these tools can greatly enhance the learning experience, there is a real risk that they could contribute to a decline in basic teaching skills. As Abhinav Gaur, seasoned educator and founder of Yuvaan Gurukul, cautions, it is imperative that schools and teachers strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and maintaining the core skills necessary for effective teaching. Only then can we ensure that the next generation of students receives the best possible education – one that is innovative and based on strong pedagogical principles.