73 Motorists Caught Driving Under Influence Of Alcohol In Mumbai | The Shivalik

73 motorists caught driving under influence of alcohol in Mumbai


The Mumbai Traffic Police Tuesday conducted a special drive to catch violators during Holi and found 73 motorists driving under the influence of alcohol. Last year, in a similar drive, 36 persons were booked.

The police believe that the rise in numbers is also due to the police not using breathalysers in the last one year.

An officer said that among the 73 cases were 65 two-wheeler riders and eight four-wheeler drivers. An officer said that they had posted personnel at over 100 strategically-located check posts in the city to crack down on drunken driving and other traffic violations from Monday to Tuesday 6 pm.

An officer said that in 2020, although the Holi celebrations were low key due to the Covid-19 scare, the police had caught over 4,600 traffic offenders, including 336 for drunk driving.

The police officers said that in 2021, due to the lockdown, the special drive was not carried out.


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